Bit Viewer: New Release 1.1.4312

New release of Bit Viewer, the small Windows programs that offer easy conversion between Decimal, Hexadecimal and binary. This new release treats blank strings in the input-boxes as value zero. The program is released under GPL2 and source code as well as executable can be downloaded from the Bit Viewer project page.

Why Using Stdin and Stdout is Not Enough!

I’m constantly amazed at how bad programmers are when it comes to designing good logging and reporting utilities. Hopefully your tool support input from stdin and allows for writing logs or interactions to stdout. If you haven’t gotten that right, I’m not sure what you are doing. But when it comes to report- and logging-formats […]

Bit Viewer – version 1.1.4263 (first official release)

I recently started doing a lot of low level programming in C. I wrote a small desktop application to help with conversions between hexadecimal, decimal and binary formats. It also allows for some simple visualization of the bit-pattern. The program is released under GPL2 and source code as well as executable can be downloaded from […]

Merge is Release

“A small part of me dies on every release” A colleague wrote the above statement on the white board in the war-room today after working close to half a day with an internal release of source code meant for the other dev-teams working on the same project. When it takes almost four hours to do […]

Password Generator – version 1.1.4255

A second release has been made, available on the project web page. Password Generator project page New Features: You can now save settings (pattern and output file) to file for repeated use. Help document can be accessed through the GUI-version.  

Password Generator – First Release

A couple of years back I forgot my password to one of my True Crypt volumes. I remembered approximately what the password was but couldn’t figure out the exact one. In order to help me brute-force my way into the encrypted volume, I wrote a small program to generate all possible combinations from what I […]

Remembering the Basics

Whenever I find myself with a code design that doesn’t work for me; it might be that the code is hard to test; or it require large rewrites for small changes in functionality; or it simple doesn’t feel right; I most often find that I have deviated from the fundamentals of good code design. As […]

SVN Windows: allow edit of commit logs

By default, SVN does not allow you to change commit messages. To enable that some times good some times bad feature, create a file named pre-revprop-change.bat and place it in the /repos/hooks folder of your svn central repo installation. @ECHO OFF :: Set all parameters. Even though most are not used, in case you want […]